Today In Varanasi

पूर्वाह्न और शाम की रिपोर्ट मिला कर आज वाराणसी में मिले 37 नये कोरोना संक्रमित मरीज

इलाज करा रहे 10 कोरोना मरीजो को स्वस्थ घोषित कर घरों के लिये डिस्चार्ज किया गया 14 नए हॉटस्पॉट बने - खोजवा बाजार हनुमान गली छित्तूपुर...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

10 Best travel tips to India

1. Come with an open mind

2. Stay healthy

3. Keep cool. India is a hot country, try to keep cool, drink plenty of water and don’t get dehydrated

4. Avoid crowds

5. Be careful with your money

6. Wear modest clothes

7. Drink bottled water

8. Avoid booking taxis from hotel

9. Although no vaccinations are required for entry to India however consider taking the hepatitis A,Typhoid and malaria vaccinations. Other health risks could include dengue fever, bird flu, polio, meningitis, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, tuberculosis, diphtheria and rabies

10. Do not show or flash your money in public

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